When you examine the latest Newspoll results, one thing is clear: John Howard is polarising the electorate. You are either "for him or agin him".
The number of uncommitteds is at record low levels when looking at his performance. 61% of conservative voters support a nuclear power industry. Yet only 35% of progressive voters are in favour.
Howard continues trying to foist controversial and unwanted measures on the Australian people. Look at the poll on climate change - 93% of people think that its effect on Australia is a problem. 76% think it a major problem.
And what is Howard's answer? Nuclear power that Australians do not want. Only 25% of people would support a nuclear power plant in their area. Even 53% of Coalition voters don't want one in their backyard.
Polemical, divisive politics. John Howard is adept at it. Yet, for all his great "reading" of the voters, he cannot hear the whistle of the train called the Australian people hurtling along his track.
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