Look, I'm very proud of the new ad. I think it helps us establish a clear point of difference with the conservatives and drives home the education message.
The polls are still strong, my approval ratings are high and I'm close on Mr Howard's heels as preferred PM.
Enjoy Australia Day and please don't use the flag as a political, cultural or race weapon.
Excellent, I see you got the
Team America: World Police montage message...
"Show a lot of things happing at once,
Remind everyone of what’s going on (what’s going on?)
And with every shot you show a little improvement
To show it all would take to long
That’s called a montage (montage)
Oh we want montage (montage)
And anything that we want to go from just a beginner to a pro,
You need a montage (montage)
Even Rocky had a montage (montage)
Did you get the Toadies to do it?
Sincerely, Good To Be With You
Couldn't agree more. The Libs seem to think education is something people access to make themselves rich, therefore everyone should pay for their own. (Fine if you can do it). Have even heard them say that taxpayers who do not go to uni should not pay for those who do.
But taxpayers receive the benefit of others education. Try that next time you go to hospital. Doctors treat all comers, not just those who contributed to his education.
Education is a national investment. Everyone benefits from an educated population.
Keep up the good work.
There’s certainly plenty in Education that needs to be fixed. The question is, have the proposals been designed with their functional hierarchy in mind?
For example, much has been said about the imposed need on universities to seek funding from the commercial sector. Regardless how successful they are, the squeeze is still on. A common lament, especially from higher-ranking lecturers, is how little time they have to devote to their field. More profound matters go by the wayside - precisely the reasons for their position, one would think.
Another corollary is the open-endedness of behind-the-scenes interests. Of how much concern would it be for a Christian to face the threat of the Intelligent Design movement?
I know Richard Dawkins for example considers any engagement as being virtually in their camp, but I don’t agree. An enemy can’t be relegated to one’s blind spot, and as far as Western culture is concerned, these people are an enemy.
Or, for how long will primary and secondary schools be chained to the post-modernist and/or feminist cage?
In a wider context, the definition of what it means to be ‘Australian’ seems to be centred around knowing cricket or declaring a suitable affection for Ned Kelly. How about the European notions of a secular democracy, the parliamentary system, the separation of church and state, and being held innocent until proven guilty?
As I said, there’s plenty needing attention.
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