I'm pleased to be supporting Gary Gray in his nomination for pre-selection for Brand. What an addition to the team he will be. As with Bob McMullan, he is a former National Secretary of the ALP, so he understands how the party operates. Add to that his private sector and education experience and he will pack a mean punch in caucus and parliament.
1 comment:
labor's brand gray not green?
That's what the brainstrust over at
larvatusprodeo.net's reckon anyway....
"Gray declared in an interview that global warming was “pop science” "
What, no suggestion that's it's all a cynical, albeit pragmatic triage exercise based on the fact that you're gonna get Green preferences anyway, why chase 'em?
Speaking of brainstrusts, I see
http://bloggers.laborfirst.com.au are giving oxygen to the story, I guess that just shows how confident you are, not have to pull rank on apparently-in-house purveyors of such mixed messages in the online ether.
The poster, Rex R, is presumably Rex Ringschott, as in who Andy Landy seems convinced is your old
East melbourne dinner host-with-the-most, Evan Thornley. I'm sure you're looking forward to another such repast, but this time with only one course: Libs-On-Toast
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