Thursday, 11 January 2007

Garrett for PM!

Rob Hirst was on JJJ this morning talking about his Bulletin article on his mate Pete's future as PM.

In his world of 2011, Hirst sees me still at the helm after beating Howard narrowly at the 2007 election. He describes me as "the decent, Christian linguist" which I'll cop - it's accurate if a bit dull.

Pete would make a great PM sometime in the 2010's but I'd like to make a small point - he's actually older than I am (he turns 54 in April), meaning he would be in the Howard age group when he came to power. I find that interesting given the public's perception of him as a young-person's politician. But hey, if Mick Jagger can still strut the stage, literally, at 63, then surely Pete can ascend to the emperor's chair sometime in his 60's.

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